42.1292° N 80.0851° W

Erie, pA newborn and family photographer

30 something boy mom who drinks way too much coffee and always has a diy project on her mind. Forever chasing golden hour, connections, and all the in between moments. 

Erie, Pennsylvania Memory Maker 

hello there

This is the first step! Using the contact form, please fill out the simple questionnaire that best fits your needs! This will give me all the info I need to check my availability and send a response, usually in 24-48 hours. 

1. Inquire

3. outfit and location planning

4. Shoot day!

5. editing your images

6. Gallery delivered!!

Once we nail down a date, I will email over a proposal. This will contain the contract for you to read and sign, and a payment form to make your deposit and set up auto pay for the remaining balance. The balance will be automatically paid the day of your session so one less thing for you to worry about! All deposits are non refundable. 

Now the magic can begin! About a month before your session, I will send you my online styling tool and ask that you create style boards for you + your family/partner. If your package allows, I will also set up a Wardrobe Consultation at my studio located on State Street! I have dresses and clothing items for Mama, baby, toddler, and little girls! We will also start talking about location ideas. I have a variety of special spots I like to use and will make suggestions from what you tell me you're looking for.

when booking with me

Since we did all the hard work beforehand, I just need you to show up looking and feeling amazing! Be ready to make memories, laugh and giggle, to play, and let me capture the raw and organic moments that take place. If you need help or feel lost, I will most definitely help you with some prompts but I always like to try and remain a fly on the wall and watch how your family interacts. You might also see my sister, Krista, or husband, Bryan, with me during your session. They assist in flying the drone and shooting all video. A girl can’t do it all herself and my team is what makes Steve Elchynski Photography so great!

Here is where I get to work! I handpaint and artistically edit each image that goes into your gallery. I try my best to share some sneaks from each session within a day or two because HELLO I know what it's like to be so excited to see your photos! 

Your full gallery will be delivered within 15 days via digital gallery. Here you can view, share, and download all your images! Tags on social media are always appreciated! 

Toffee sweet roll chocolate. Dragée biscuit muffin macaroon icing chocolate cake. Wafer cheesecake jujubes soufflé pie liquorice. Lemon drops topping dragée icing. Halvah fruitcake cheesecake sesame snaps marshmallow jelly-o. Bonbon gummi bears marzipan cotton candy tootsie roll icing halvah ice cream. 

Toffee sweet roll chocolate. Dragée biscuit muffin macaroon icing chocolate cake. Wafer cheesecake jujubes soufflé pie liquorice. Lemon drops topping dragée icing. Halvah fruitcake cheesecake sesame snaps marshmallow jelly-o. Bonbon gummi bears marzipan cotton candy tootsie roll icing halvah ice cream. 

2. book your date + pay your deposit

What to Expect

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